To the Technological Institute on Northwestern’s Evanston Campus
From the North (via I-94)
- Take I-94 East south to Skokie Highway (U.S. 41).
- Go south on Skokie Highway for two miles.
- Turn left on Golf Road. Continue on Golf Road approximately four miles. It will turn into Emerson Street.
- Bear right at the fork in road onto Clark Street.
- Follow Clark Street through downtown Evanston.
- Turn left at Chicago Avenue. The Technological Institute is at Noyes Street and Sheridan Road.
From the West/Northwest (via I-88, I-90 or I-190)
- Take I-88, I-90 or I-190 east to I-294 North.
- Take I-294 North to the Dempster Street exit.
- Take Dempster Street east for 10 miles through a number of suburbs.
- Turn left at Chicago Avenue.
- Continue north on Chicago Avenue for less than a mile. The Technological Institute is at Noyes Street and Sheridan Road.
From the West/Southwest (via I-55 or I-80)
Note: If taking I-80, go east to I-55 North.
- Take 1-55 North to I-90/I-94 North.
- I-90/I-94 will split; bear right at the split and stay on I-94 West.
- Take I-94 West north to the Dempster Street exit.
- Take Dempster Street east for five miles.
- Turn left at Chicago Avenue.
- Continue north on Chicago Avenue for less than a mile. The Technological Institute is at Noyes Street and Sheridan Road.
From the South/Southeast (via I-94, I-90, I-80 or I-57)
- If taking 1-80, take I-94 North when it splits from I-80 south of Chicago.
- If taking I-57, merge with I-94 North when I-57 ends in south Chicago.
- If taking I-90, merge with I-94 North in south Chicago.
- Take I-94 North. I-90/I-94 will split; bear right at the split and stay on I-94 West.
- Take I-94 West north to the Dempster Street exit.
- Take Dempster Street east for five miles.
- Turn left at Chicago Avenue.
- Continue north on Chicago Avenue for less than a mile. The Technological Institute is at Noyes Street and Sheridan Road.